February 09, 2011

Pharmax Corporation - Update From Vishwas

PHARMAX Corporation Ltd.:I have received latest Balance sheet as on 31/3/2010.Address Of the Co is : Max house,1,Dr. Za Marg,Okhla,NewDElhi 110020 I received these shares under schemeof arrangement between Ranabaxy and Pharmax corpltd. Latest EPS is 0.35 paise but no Dividend declared because of carried forward losses.


We are grateful to Vishwas for this update

1 comment:

  1. DELHI STOCK EXCHANGE. Itis reported that Delhi Stock Exhange has received okay from SEBI TO restart Operations. Can any of the investors/ Dealers from Delhi can have more information about when Delhi stock Exchange would restart operations ?Once this happens trading would restart in many untraded companies and they would come back to life.
