February 24, 2011

Seller Ancient Technology and Haryana Financial - Contact Vikash

want to sell aricent technology at 600 per share.

want to sell haryana financial corp ltd for 250 per share physical 

Mr. Vikash : Please Provide Your Contact Details :-


Ashwani Kumar Aggarwal


Ref: Haryana financial Corp post

Dear Ashwaniji, This seems a deceptive offer. I noticed from the gentleman's blog where he is selling the Haryana Financial Corp shares at Rs 200. Some of his other selling are

 Aricent tech -600 per share in Demat 1600 shares
 Banaras beads-50 per share
 Crimson metal-40 per share
 Mid east Int steeel-20 per share
 Volvo steel-72 per share
 Haryana financial Corp -200 per share
 Maya Rasayan 10 per share

Haryana Financial has an equity capital of 185 cr and assessed at Mr. Vikas’s price it will have a valuation of 12000 cr. The corporation has stopped fresh sanctions w.e.f. 27.05.2010.

Aricent tech is traded at 85-120, so we can gauge that the seller is offering flippant quotes. I think the visitor to this blog are intelligent investors and cannot be fooled. I hope the reader’s of this blog are allowed to debate the offers as well. I wanted to raise caution over offer and prices quote which are not realistic. I anticipate that I have your permission and comply with policy of this blog.

Warm regards,




We are indeed very grateful to Mr. Satyakam Mishra for guidance regarding the realistic rates /  true financial position of the companies.

We request Mr. Mishra to continue to guide both this blog and the general investors .

The interests of investors take precedence over that of  all others


Ashwani Kumar Aggarwal

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