July 18, 2011

Bharat Nidhi Shares - Comments Received

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BHARAT NIDHI LTD; The immense hidden value of holdings in Bennett may not be unlocked is the view of some. The reasons are :

1 The attitude of the management of not sharing value with other minor shareholders since last several decades.

2 The possibility of forming limited liability partnerships now permitted under the laws may be used not to pass the benefit of BCCLholdings to minority shareholders of Bharat Nidhi

3 Being a little known holding company which is not traded in stock exchange at all,and with low floats, it may not reflect even the discounted market valuations given in the market even to reputed Holding companies like Tata Investments, UB Holdings, etc etc. Perhaps that is why interest in Bharat Nidhi appears to be on the decline as waiting period may be too long and there are far more attractive alternative investment opportunities in the market with comparatively lesser uncertainties and far higher liquidity.


  1. Dinesh Kumar, AgraJuly 18, 2011

    I agree with this. Sataykam Mishraji Please give your valuable input

  2. can any one quote rates bharat nidhi ltd

  3. Lists of Share Dealers of Rare Shares are given in this Blog. There are buying / selling quotes of Bharat Nidhi. You may consult all Dealers .

  4. want to sell haryana financial corp shares at 700 rs per share

  5. All the points raised here are quite valid and need to be deliberated. Point 1. I totally agree with and most Indian Business Groups are averse to sharing wealth with the minority shareholders. Point 2. The Tax Advantage of forming the LLP no longer stands. So this may not be a valid assumption. Point 3. Yes, there is a lot of uncertainity associated and therefore the heavy discount at which it trades (Rs 7000 approx currently). I think that the company is going a little slow with its listing on account of the fact that the Ad Market is tight and Newsprint rates have shot through the roof, impacting profits and potential valuations.
