May 03, 2012

BSE announces FY 2012 results, but no update on IPO- Dharawat

Kindly find the FY 2012 results of BSE on the below mentioned link. However, there was no update on IPO

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BSE Limited

(Formerly known as Bombay Stock Exchange Limited)
Download BSE Result
Download BSE Result
Download BSE Result
Consolidated Financial Results for the year ended 31 March, 2012
Download BSE Result

(Rs. in Lakhs)
Particulars For the year ended
31 March, 2012
For the year ended
31 March, 2011
Revenue from operations 53,758 49,768
Other Income 4,084 4,038
Total revenue 57,842 53,806

Employee benefit expenses 7,713 7,002
Depreciation and amortisation expense 3,407 3,779
Other expenses 13,576 12,009
Total expenses 24,696 22,790

Profit before exceptional items, interest and tax 33,146 31,016
Exceptional items 6,049 -
Profit before interest and tax 27,097 31,016
Finance cost 136 76
Profit before tax 26,961 30,940
Tax expense 6,426 7,766
Net Profit for the year after tax but before minority Interest & share of associates 20,535 23,174
Share of Minority (2,681) (1,968)
Share of Profit / (Loss ) of Associate (Net) (41) 358

17,813 21,564
Earning per equity share:

Basic and Diluted 16.85 19.05


1.    The above audited consolidated financial results for the year ended 31st March, 2012 have been reviewed by the Audit Committee on 20th April, 2012 and approved by the Board of Directors on 27th April, 2012. The Statutory Auditors have carried out a audit of the above financial results.

2.    The Board of directors recommended final dividend of Rs. 6/- per equity share (incl. Rs. 2/- per equity share towards special one-time dividend) of face value of Re1 each. The payment is subject to the approval of the shareholders in the the ensuring Annual General Meeting of the Company.

3.    Segment Reporting:
The group operates in 2 reportable business segments viz: Stock Exchange Activity and Depository Activity.

Segment Revenue
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Particulars For the year ended
31 March, 2012
For the year ended
31 March, 2011
(a) Stock Exchange Activity 41,805 42,046
(b) Depository Activity 11,967 8,577
Total 53,772 50,623
Less : Inter Segment Revenue - -
Total Income 53,772 50,623

Segment Results

(a) Stock Exchange Activity 19,058 24,818
(b) Depository Activity 9,507 6,797
Total 28,565 31,615
Add : Unallocated Corporate Income 4,070 3,183
Less : Unallocated Corporate Expenses 5,674 3,857
Profit before taxation 26,961 30,941
Less : Provision for taxation 6,426 7,767
Profit after taxation 20,535 23,174

Segment Assets

(a) Stock Exchange Activity 335,592 315,711
(b) Depository Activity 36,379 30,658
(c) Unallocated 22,348 13,210
Total 394,319 359,579

Segment Liabilities

(a) Stock Exchange Activity 151,239 130,945
(b) Depository Activity 3,342 2,954
(c) Unallocated 16,716 13,199
Total 171,297 147,098

Capital Employed

(a) Stock Exchange Activity 184,353 184,766
(b) Depository Activity 33,037 27,704
(c) Unallocated 5,632 11
Total 223,022 212,481

4.   Pursuant to BSE (Corporatisation and Demutualisation) Scheme, 2005 notified on May 20, 2005, BSE Ltd. (BSE) and in accordance to a scheme of arrangement under section 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 between BSE and Indian Clearing Corporation Ltd. (ICCL) ("Scheme"), BSE has transferred assets and liabilities relating to its Clearing and Settlement (C&S) division to ICCL at book value. The scheme was approved by the Hon'ble High Court, Bombay on January 20, 2012 and the date on which the transfer became effective was after the close of business hours on February 24, 2012. As per the approved scheme the appointed date of transfer was April 1, 2011. Further, balances in Trade Guarantee Fund and Brokers Contingency Fund has been transferred to General reserve as specified in the Scheme. Subsequently, on 16th April 2012, BSE has also subscribed to 30400 lakh Equity Shares of Re. 1 each of ICCL amounting to Rs 30400 lakh. The above transaction has no impact on the Consolidated Financial Statement.

The list of Assets & Liabilities pertaining to the division as on 1st April, 2011 were as follows (Rs. in Lakhs)

Deposits, Margins, Pay-ins & other amounts received from Members 40,992
Other Deposits Received - Deposit From Bank 13,550
Other Liabilities 38
Total 54,580

Investments in Bonds 22,384
Balances of Bank Accounts 1,708
Fixed Deposits 30,488
Total 54,580

5.    Pursuant to SEBI Circular CIR/DNPD/5/2011 dated June 2, 2011 (BSE Notice no-20110602-18, dated June 02, 2011), permitting stock exchanges to introduce Liquidity Enhancement Schemes (LES) for illiquid securities in their equity derivatives segment, the Exchange has launched a series of Liquidity Enhancement Incentive Programmes (LEIPS) to enhance liquidity in BSE's Futures & Options Segment. The programme was launched on 28th September, 2011 and an expense of Rs. 6049 lakhs has been incurred towards the same in financial year 2011-12. Considering the special nature of this expense and its impact on the profit of the Exchange, the same has been recognised as an exceptional item.

6.    The Revised Schedule VI has become effective from 1 April, 2011 for the preparation of consolidated financial statements. This has significantly impacted the disclosure and presentation made in the financial statement. Previous year's have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary to correspond with the current year's classification / disclosure.

For and on behalf of
Board of Directors

27th April, 2012
Madhu Kannan

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