Investors are demanding that shares of Jullundur Motor Agency ( Delhi ) and Frick India should be Listed in BSE like Oswal Agro Relisting. .
Presently , Jullundur Motor and Frick India are listed in Delhi Stock Exchange and DSE is in operational at present.
Further Investors want Frick India where the Book Value is Rs. 1000 + (Rs. 10 paid )should declare a liberal bonus ans split the face value of and share to Re. 1
Presently , Jullundur Motor and Frick India are listed in Delhi Stock Exchange and DSE is in operational at present.
Further Investors want Frick India where the Book Value is Rs. 1000 + (Rs. 10 paid )should declare a liberal bonus ans split the face value of and share to Re. 1
is the name of that investor Ashwani Agarwal
ReplyDeletei think some one from kolkata
ReplyDeletemay be but who ever that investor is he must be a idiot
ReplyDeletebefore listing After Listing
Pilani 2300 1400
Nataraj 150 150
Oswal 34 25
Bharat Nidhi Expected 15000 1500
idiot only make money
ReplyDeletemoneymania: That's a good initiative... You can fwd this link to the company secretary so that the needful is done.