May 27, 2012

Is Media Sector - a Sunrise Or Sunset Industry - For PNB , Bharat Nidhi Investors

Shares of PNB Finance ,Bharat Nidhi etc have seen a lot of action , both upwards and downwards , in the Delisted Markets in the  last 18 months .These are Holding Companies of Bennett Coleman And Company Limited ( Times of India Group )

One important question is regarding the IPO  of Bennett Coleman and likely benefits to the shareholders of Holding Companies like Bharat Nidhi , PNB Finance ,Camac. Not much has been heard about the  IPO of Bennett Coleman And Co ( apart from the 8 : 1 Bonus Issue ).

Another Issue for these Investors is whether Media sector is a Sunrise Industry or a Sunset Industry.

For further study , please click the link :- 


  1. Bharti Telecom 3500/4000
    Ratnakar Bank 64/70
    Essar Steel 43/47
    BSE 180/200
    LUX 100/120
    Hdfc 175/205
    TCS Eserve 3250/3550
    Jullundhar Motors 140/175
    Bharat Nidhi 10000/12000
    Cadbury 1600/1750
    PNB Finance 7500/8500

  2. AnonymousMay 29, 2012

    Bharat Nidhi/PNB : Bharat Nidhi is engaged in business of distibution of Times of india etc.As holding co of Benntt will it share wealth and value of Bennet with its minority shareholders ( of Bharat nidhi with there being hardly any transparancy)

  3. AnonymousMay 30, 2012

    Will Bharat nidhi management share with its shareholders benifits of Benntt colman nxt Issue

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