June 15, 2012

Cadbury India - Excellent 2011 Results

For the year ended 31-12-2011

Sales 3488 Cr.
Gross Profit - 448 Cr.
Net Profit - 297 Cr.
EPS - Rs.95- 62 paise.
Dividend -Rs. 2 per share.

Share Capital - Rs.31 Cr.
Reserves- 991 Cr.


Cadbury has EPS of Rs. 97 . Going by the Peer P E. of 40 of   Nestle India the current Value of one share of Cadbury India is Rs. 4000 Per Share





Blog :Important Consideration For Investors . A Court Case is pending For Compulsory Acquisition From Minority Share Holders 

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 18, 2012

    whoever values a co like this is close to being called a idiot
