June 27, 2016
Cheminvest Limited - Re 1 Paid Up ( Unlisted Share ) is a Promoter Company of Max India Limited ( Analjit Singh Group ).
Max India has declared a Dividend of 500 %. ( Rs 10 Per Rs 2 Paid Up Share ).
As Cheminvest Holds around 69 lakh + 30 Lakh shares of Max India ( Please recheck this information independently ) Cheminvest would get a Dividend Bonanza of around Rs. 10 Crores .
General Warning : Investment in shares can be injurious to your WEALTH.
Caution :The blog writer has personal/ family members' holdings in this company ,so please make suitable "provisions " for any likely over optimism .
( All comments / facts given in good faith. Please recheck all points before taking any investment decision. No responsibility with this blog / writer )
What do you mean overoptimism ?