November 29, 2012

Justice For Capt Saurabh Kalia ( Kargil Hero )

We greatly respect Capt. Saurabh Kalia `s supreme sacrifice for our Motherland . We also respect his father Dr. NK Kalia `s feelings for Justice.

 But the harsh reality is that Pakistan would never admit that they committed the horrific torture . Hence , they would never apologise.

We Indians who feel so strongly about the martyrdom of Capt. Kalia should institute a Scholarship in his name for a budding Armed Forces Officer ( preparing him for NDA ) in any of the Sainik Schools. The Scholarship Citation should give all the details of the circumstances of Capt Kalia`s sacrifice.


Indians should . also , take up the Issue of Indian POW s still languishing in Pakistani Jails ( like Kot Lakhpat etc ). We must free them. 

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