December 05, 2012

BJP Should First Help Punjab Retailers :Jalandhar Investors

BJP is Double Faced and is opposing FDI in Retail purely as an opportunistic ploy. In Punjab , where BJP is a coalition partner , BJP supports a highly discriminatory Electricity pricing policy. In Punjab where as even Super Rich farmers get Free Electricity even a humble Paan Wala has to apply for and pay @ Penal Rates for Electricity ( which is euphemistically called COMMERCIAL Electricity connections In Parliament Bhartiya Janta ( BJP ) Party is shedding crocodile tears in the name of Indian retailers.

If BJP is sincere about safeguarding the interests of Indian Retailers , BJP should first jam the Punjab Vidhan Sabha and hold a Debate there as to why Punjab business men are charged electricity @ Penal Rates especially when even Super Rich Farmers ( some holding Land worth thousands of crores ) get Free Electricity.

 BJP has Double Standards. 


Rs. 5600 Crore Worth Free Electricity to Farmers in Punjab

Punjab 's taxpayers would be paying Rs. 5600 crore annually  for providing Free Electricity to farmers in Punjab.

To make up for this subsidy more and more taxes are being imposed  especially on Urban Punjabis.

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