December 20, 2015

Bosch Chassis - To Oust Loyal Remainder Share Holders ??

Bosch Chassis Systems India Limited ( earlier Kalyani Brakes ) delisted in 2008 at the Exit price of Rs. 600

Now , Multinational Company Bosch Chassis intends to compulsorily eject the remainder loyal small shareholders by following the cheap trick of increasing the face value of one share from Rs. 10 paid up to Rs. One Lakh paid up.

As Bosch Chassis is , now, unlisted , the resultant fractions have been arbitrarily valued at Rs. 600 ( same at the Exit price determined 8 years back.

 This is totally unacceptable and is sheer loot. 

Please refer to Resolution No. 9 in the Annual Report by clicking :-

The Valuers etc are all engaged by the Managements and cannot be considered as Unbiased or totally Fair. Affected shareholders should be allowed to have their own valuers / Valuation Reports. 


SEBI must intervene. Laws must be changed to protect the small share holders of Unlisted Companies. 


Jolly Board , which holds very valuable real estate assets in Kanjur Marg , Mumabi , is also following similar cheap tactic to oust loyal remainder small shareholders.


Suashish Diamonds does the same anti shareholders move :-


Blog Disclaimer : Please Recheck  All Information . All information given in Good Faith. No Responsibility . 


For further case studies  vis - a - vis small shareholders , please consider the following links :-


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