October 16, 2016

Essar Oil - Roseneft Deal Share Value Rs. 586 / Share - Please Recalculate

Roseneft Deal Values Essar Oil For Rs.72,800 crore plus Rs.13,300 crore for Essar Oil's Vadinar Port . 

Total Value Rs. 86,100 crore


Share Capital of Essar Oil 

147 cr shares of Rs.10 each


Value Per Share : Rs. 586


Note : Please Recalculate Independently . 

Please do not take any Investment decision based on this calculation.

Essar Oil Delisted in February 2016 @ Rs. 262 /80 p

January 28, 2016

Essar Oil Trading to Stop wef 10/02/2016

BSE said exit option will be kept open for the remaining public shareholders for a period of at least one year from the date of delisting at Rs 262.80. 




October 17, 2016

Essar Oil - Roseneft Deal - Erstwhile Shareholders to Get More

In December, these shareholders had tendered their shares in Essar Oil’s delisting process. At that time, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) passed an order that said these share-owners should be paid the difference between the transaction price with Rosneft and the final delisting price.

For More , please click :-



Essar Oil minority shareholders should get ₹94-125 per share: SES

for more, please click




General Warning : Investment in Shares Can be Injurious to Your WEALTH

Disclosure : The Blog writer in his / family names has  holdings in this Company So please make suitable " provisions " for any likely Over Optimism

NB :All information given in good faith. Please recheck every point before taking any investment decision. No responsibility with this Blog or Blog Writer


  1. Delhi Flour Mills Ltd has 4 acre of land in Delhi (8377-8381,Roshanara Road )

  2. AnonymousJuly 10, 2017

    Want to sell radar oil
    Please provide buy rate
