December 13, 2016

NBI Industrial Listed But No Proper Rate Discovery

NBI Industrial Finance has been Listed in NSE.

But there has not been any proper Rate Discovery.

Just before Relsting NBI Industrial Finance was quoting around Rs.2000 / Share in the Delisted Market ( Please Recheck )

Investors should exercise Utmost caution and ascertain for themselves in  all ways that proper rate has been discovered before they take any Investment Decision.

Personally , we would Wait and Watch and let things settle down

 ( PLEASE -We Take  No RESPONSIBILITY for this strategy which we are stating  , purely , in Investors' Interest )


  1. Its book value is 250. why it should trade above it.

  2. If we take the intrinsic value ( market value )of NBI Industrial's investments like in Shree Cement , Digvijay Finlease etc , then the NAV of one share of NBI can be Rs.30,000/- ) PLEASE RECALCULATE INDEPENDENTLY , ALSO.

  3. Thank you. It happened that i downloaded Balance sheet afterwards only.
    It is very bad that Most of the shares are in physical condition. thats why very poor liquidity.

    It is market value roughly comes around 8800 ( 1088 crores / 12.28 Lakh shares as on Mar 2016). even if we apply present value, it would be roughly 10% increment from March lows. For a holding company we need to give the discount upto 50%. Since there is no much operation, it is not paying dividend, hence some more discounts needs to be applied. I would say 4000 would be right price for it. Because they dont sell and pay to us or they dont pay dividends.

    it is like Tata Investment corporation, BF holdings....etc

  4. Very Well Stated.

    We agree with you.
