July 12, 2017

Metropolitan Stock Exchange IPO in 2 Years ??

new posts

October 10, 2017

Metropolitan Members- How to Locate in Your City ??

Step 1  ) Please click this link

2  ) Under Column Constitution Select Corporate

3) Under City Write Your City

4 ) Fill the Verification Code

Get the Details of Registered Members of Metropolitan Stock Exchange.


As per Metropolitan's Official Site on Tuesday, 10/10/2017 ,  36,265 shares  , worth  76 lakh have been traded.


Shares allowed to trade in Metropolitan Stock Exchange


Please , also , click


Blog Caution : Please Recheck All Information

Please do a further Self Study .

September 29, 2017

Metropolitan-Member Activation Drive/ Clearing House Strengthening

"Among the incentive schemes, the exchange is reimbursing clearing fee paid by its trading members to their clearing members which will reduce the transnational cost of brokers.----------

Meanwhile, MSE also recently announced a rights issue.

"The proceeds shall be utilised for further capitalisation of its subsidiary Metropolitan Clearing Corporation and fund strategic business interests," MSE said.



also , please click


For Metropolitan Clearing Corporation , please click :-



There are unconfirmed reports of  discussions in the share markets  ( which please Recheck ) that with the Recent Rights Issue ( 2017 @ Re 1 / 30 p ) long pending funding of the Clearing House of Metropolitan Stock Exchange would be complete and that SEBI has , already , extended its recognition to Metropolitan till Sept 2018.

Once trading in shares starts in Metropolitan ,  Exclusively Listed Shares in Metropolitan would zoom.  ( there are around 200 ELC - mainly from earlier Regional Stock Exchanges  )


Blog Caution : Please do not take any Investment Decision based on this. PLEASE RECHECK INDEPENDENTLY 



September 28, 2017

Metropolitan- SEBI Extends Licence by 1 year- Please Recheck

Important : Please Recheck This Before Taking Any Investment Decision.


No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2017-18/017.—The Securities and Exchange Board of India, having considered the application for renewal of recognition made under section 3 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 by Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Limited, having its registered office at 4th Floor, Vibgyor Tower, Plot No. C 62, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400098 and being satisfied that it would be in the interest of trade and also in the public interest so to do, hereby grants, in exercise of the powers conferred under section 4 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, renewal of recognition to the said Exchange under section 4 of the said Act for a period of one year commencing on the 16th day of September, 2017 and ending on the 15th day of September, 2018 in respect of contracts in securities subject to the conditions stated herein below or as may be prescribed or imposed hereafter:
  • The Exchange shall comply with conditions as may be prescribed by SEBI from time to time.
MADHABI PURI BUCH, Whole Time Member


old / original post


old post

September 21, 2017

Metropolitan Rights Issue Open Till 30/09/17

Rights Issue @ Re 1 / 30 p Opened 16/09/2017

Last Day For Split : 20/09/17

Rights Issues Closes on 30/09/2017


( Please Read Top Left  Corner )

Blog : Please Recheck All Information ; No 

August 16, 2017

2016-17-Annual Report -Metropolitan Stock Exchange

Annual Report -2016-17



AGM on 14/09/2017- Mumbai


Request to Investors

Please attend in large numbers / send letters to Metropolitan Stock Exchange demanding immediate trading in shares listed in this Exchange

Please read Page 41 of the Annual Report. There are 192 companies which are Exclusively Listed in Metropolitan Stock Exchange. Trading must begin in these immediately.

new post

July 17, 2017

Will Metropolitan Stock Exchange Eventually Merge With MCX ?? Please Recheck

July 13, 2017

Metropolitan Stock Exchange Share Price Jumps



June 20, 2017

Metropolitan Stock Exchange - Gears Up

Metropolitan Stock Exchange ( MSE ) seems to have come in to action.

MSE gave full page ad in today's ( 20/06/17 ) Economic Times.

MSE is inviting applications for Memberships 

Contact : 

Tel ; 022-6112-9010

email ; customerservice@msel.in

Website :www.msel.in


Ad , also  states :-

It's Wiser  to Trade on MSE in


Equity F and O,

Currency Derivatives, 

Interest Rate Derivatives 


Is it beginning of Achhey Din for Metropolitan Stock Exchange and its ELC ( Exclusively Listed Companies ) like Frick India , Dalmia Refractories ,



Metropolitan Stock Exchange's share is presently Unlisted

For more on Metropolitan Stock Exchange , please click the links :-




 It appears some shares of Metropolitan Stock Exchange are available for Sale / Purchase with Share Dealers of Unlisted Shares / Rare Indian shares ( 
Please Recheck )


Share experts feel that the next set of Multibagger shares , especially Small Caps / Mid caps would be ELC s ( Exclusively Listed Companies ) in Metropolitan Stock Exchange

Transactions made with MSE registered Brokers would give clarity to Long Term Capital Gains Tax Exemption claimed by Investors.

Shares like Frick India, Dalmia Refractories can zoom once Metropolitan Stock Exchange ( earlier named MCX Stock Exchange ) ( where Frick India , Dalmia Refractories are Exclusively Listed  starts trading in Shares.

For more on Frick India,

Dalmia Refractories

 It appears some shares of Frick India , Dalmia Refractories are available for Sale / Purchase with Share Dealers of Unlisted Shares / Rare Indian shares ( Please Recheck )



General Warning : Investment in shares can be injurious to your WEALTH.

Caution  / Important Disclosure :The blog writer has personal/ family members' holdings in Frick India, Dalmia Refractores so please make suitable "provisions " for likely over optimism 

( PS : All information given in good faith. Please recheck all facts etc. No responsibility with this author / blog. )

1 comment:

  1. SEBI Should Take Action on Metropolitan Non Trading in Equities
    SEBI should either make equity trading work at Metropolitan Stock Exchange work or else SEBI should automatically shift to NSE / BSE the 200 Exclusively Listed shares in Metropolitan Stock Exchange .

    At present , investors of such shares are suffering for no fault of theirs.

    Firstly ,Dealers of Unlisted shares are giving them 1 / 3 rd of the rates had these shares been listed .

    Secondly , such Investors cannot claim Long Term Capital gains Exemption in the absence of proper Contract Notes ( showing that STT has been paid ) .
