August 07, 2017

Exercise Caution in Metropolitan Stock Exchange Shares- Message Received

Message Received From  Reader / Investor

It is still a long way to go for MSEI, this stock was trading as high as 3.5/4rs per share and then came down to 1.2rs recently. 

Just a news about some speculations drives this to 2.2??

The company was still reporting negative results, some more time for the NSE case to be settled before one should think about entering to get the justified right price for this stock. 

new post

August 16, 2017

2016-17-Annual Report -Metropolitan Stock Exchange

Annual Report -2016-17


AGM on 14/09/2017- Mumbai


Request to Investors

Please attend in large numbers / send letters to Metropolitan Stock Exchange demanding immediate trading in shares listed in this Exchange


  1. n Metropolitan Stock exchange there are many Exclusively Listed Companies ( ELC ), many small cap hidden gems like Dalmia Refractories ( of Dalmia Bharat Group ), Frick India which were earlier listed in , now closed , Regional Stock Exchanges.

    SEBI must ensure that share trading takes place in Metropolitan Stock Exchange.

  2. Do Not Punish Investors

    Trading should not stop. ( 331 Companies to Trade only once a month -i.e. First Monday of each Month ).

    This means punishing the hapless Investors who have no role in running the affairs of the Company.

    SEBI / Govt, should first solve the issue of Non Trading of Shares which were earlier Exclusively Listed in , now closed , Regional Stock Exchanges.

    Then there is issue of Metropolitan Stock Exchange.

    Many small cap gems like Frick India are listed exclusively in Metropolitan Stock Exchange. No share trading is taking place in Metropolitan Stock Exchange causing immense problem to the Investors.

    SEBI must ensure regular trading in Metropolitan Stock Exchange and help small Investors.
