February 25, 2018

Let Us Rebuild Azad Hind Fauj War Memorial

Nehru , always , towed Mountbatten 's line.

On recapturing Singapore in 1945 , Mountbatten blew up ,by putting explosives , the Azad Hind War Memorial in Singapore ( like ISIS blowing up Al Nuri Mosque in Mosul ).

Nehru made no attempt to rebuild Azad Hind War Memorial in Free India.

Let us Rebuild now , at a suitable place, Azad Hind War Memorial .

We wish Volunteers take up this Project. We will put the names of all Azad Hind Fauj soldiers.

Jai Hind
What an irony ?

In 1979 , Mountbatten himself was blown up by explosives.
Netaji's  Message while paying tributes to the martyrs of INA
“The future generations of Indians who will be born, not as slaves but as free men, because of your colossal sacrifice, will bless your names and proudly proclaim to the world that you, their forbears, fought and suffered reverses in the battle of Manipur, Assam and Burma. But through temporary failure you paved the way to ultimate success and glory.”

Why was India 's Independence Preponed from 1948 to 1947.

An inquiry should be instituted as to why the process of India's Independence and Partition ( Creation of Pakistan ) was done in a TEARING HURRY .

Who were the Politicians crazy for grabbing Power at all costs ?

Why no Security ( like UNO Peace keeping Troops ) provided to millions of helpless Refugees / Migrants who were slaughtered on an unprecedented scale.

15 th August be observed as a Holocaust Day
Memorials be put up remembering all those who perished.


" Why, then, on his ( Mountbatten 's ) return from London a fortnight later, did he then suddenly declare that the Partition of India would take place with inexplicable haste on August 15, 1947, almost a year ahead of schedule?

Must read the following post


Partition of India in 1947 benefited neither Muslims nor Hindus. --India's partition benefited only Red China.--( Around 1947 while Mao was consolidating / expanding China , we were partitioning )--Now , we have , in all directions , " Enemy at the Gates "
--Pakistan , Bangladesh, Nepal , Bhutan , Maldives , Burma , Northern Jammu and Kashmir ( POK )--Mao used to talk about Tibet and the Himalayas:
--Xizang (Tibet) is China's right hand's palm, which is detached from its five fingers — of Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunachal (formerly NEFA).--and Nehru used to say ,--" Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai "

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