February 14, 2018

Tata Steel Rights Would be Oversubscribed

See the history

Tata Steel earlier named The Tata Iron and Steel Co. ( TISCO ) was formed in 1907.

The massive and costly steel plant being put up at , now named , Jamshedpur required shares to be issued to the public for financing.

The Management , initially , opened the public issue in England. The response was not encouraging.

Then they decided to try to sell their shares to Indians.   

Tatas write in their history that the response was overwhelming and unprecedented. Would be investors queued before Tata 's office in Bombay ( Mumbai ). They brought with them tiffin boxes and stools to sit on while waiting in the line.

. All the shares were sold. Industrialists saw the hitherto , untapped potential of Indian investors and the Indian capital waiting for investment.



February 07, 2018

Tata Steel Rights ( 2 Types ) Opens 14 th to 28 th Feb 2018

Letter of Offer received on 07/02/18

Two Rights Offers ( Separate and Unlinked )  :-

1 ) Fully Paid Equity shares @ Rs.510 , ratio 4 : 25

2 ) Partly Paid ( Rs 154 payable on Application - Rs.461 on First and Final Call- Total Cost Rs.615 / share , Ratio 2 : 25




February 15, 2018

Tata Steel Rights - FAQ

Dear Investor,


Unit: - Tata Steel Limited - Rights Issue 2018 details are as under:

Record date:   Thursday,February 01, 2018
 Issue opening date   :Wednesday,February 14, 2018
Last date for Split request:             
Wednesday,February 21, 2018
Issue closing date:Wednesday,February 28, 2018

Entitlement ratio for Fully Paid Shares – 4:25 ( for every 25 shares held as on record date , the entitlement is 4 Fully Paid Shares) Amount payable per equity share(Fully Paid) on Application: @ Rs. 510/- Per Equity Share. Ratio – 4:25

Entitlement ratio for Partly Paid Shares – 2:25 ( for every 25 shares held as on record date, the entitlement is 2 Partly Paid Shares) Amount payable per equity share(Partly Paid) on Application: @ Rs154/- per share.

“Please note that the balance amount of Rs 461/- on Partly Paid Shares would be called up by our Company as the first and final call, within 12 months from the date of allotment of the Partly Paid Shares, in accordance with applicable law.”

•If your query is regarding non-receipt of application form:
1) You can check for application form dispatch details on our website, https://linkintime.co.in/rightsissue/rightsissues-Knowyourapplication.aspx  by providing your folio no/ CAF NO.
2) To know your rights entitlement, as per ratio, decided by the company, please use the link: https://linkintime.co.in/rightsissue/rightsissues-Knowyourapplication.aspx
3) You can also download the plain paper application form by using below link. Plain paper form cannot be used for renunciation. https://linkintime.co.in/rightsissue/rightsissues-PlainPaper.aspx
4) In case you want to renounce then kindly request for duplicate form by writing to our email id tatasteel.rights2018@linkintime.co.in
5) Shareholders can opt to apply through ASBA.  ASBA application need to be submitted to their respective ASBA bankers only. For the list of participating SCSB banks for ASBA  , please click on  the link, https://linkintime.co.in/rightsissue/rightsissues-Knowyourapplication.aspx .
6) List of collection centers to deposit your application form along with cheque (Non – ASBA) is available on the back side of application form or else you can get the list from the link, https://linkintime.co.in/rightsissue/rightsissues-Knowyourapplication.aspx
7) You can send application form along with cheque / DD to our Mumbai office – Vikhorli address, if collection center is not accessible to you.
•  For split request, please fill up Part D of the application form and send a scanned copy of PART D  through email to our email id, tatasteel.rights2018@linkintime.co.in and also send hard copy of the signed application form, to our (Vikhorli) address. Split request will be dispatched only after receiving the hard copy of the application form.
Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd.,
Unit: Tata Steel Ltd - Rights Issue- 2018
247, Corporate Park, C-101, 1st floor LBS Marg , Vikhroli (west) Mumbai- 400083.

• NRI applications on plain paper format shall among other things, be subject to conditions, as may be imposed from time to time by RBI under, FEMA.
Note: This is a general acknowledgment mail which answers most of your queries regarding this Tata Steel Ltd. -Rights Issue. Any query apart from what is mentioned above will be answered separately.

Thank You

Primary Market- IRC | Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd.     
Phone: +91 22 49186300 Fax: +91 22 49186195

For Abridged Letter of Offer , please click :-


General Warning : Investment in Shares Can be Injurious to Your WEALTH

Disclosure : The Blog writer in his / family names has  holdings in this Company So please make suitable " provisions " for any likely Over Optimism

All information given in good faith. Please recheck every point before taking any investment decision. No responsibility with this Blog or Blog Writer

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