June 29, 2020

KHSL - Khaitan Hosthombe - Information Wanted

Is KHSL ( in whatever name) still alive? I understsnd its shares were last traded in 2018.
What is their name at present. I m holding
Some shares of khaitan hotosmbe spinnel ltd, in phyical form. Can they be converted to dmat now?

Please guide


old 2011 post

January 27, 2011

KHSL Inds ( formerly Khaitan Hosthombe ) Shares- Exercise Caution

KHSL INDUSTRIES LTD is new name for Khaitan Hosthombe. KHSL Industries was latter merged into Khaitan Overseas

Please be aware that KHSL Industries Ltd. (transferor company no. 2) became public limited company in December, 1995 and changed its name to KHSL with effect from 1.6.1990. It again changed its name as KHSL Industries Ltd. with effect from 12.5.1995.

The Company was heavily indebted and was unable to pay its debts. It devised a plan to first change its name to deceive the creditors and then filed a petition to approve the 'Scheme of Amalgamation' of three closely held companies. The change of name on 12.5.1995 and thereafter the decision to amalgamate with the two companies, and thus change the name to Khaitan Overseas and Finance Ltd. (KHSL) demonstrated that the company was trying to mislead the creditors.

I advise caution while dealing with this company.

Satyakam Mishra

Thank you very much for the valuable information which I was not aware of even though I am a shareholder as I had not received relevant notices.



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