April 22, 2022

Asiatic Oxygen, Kolkata - Annual Report 2020-2021

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It appears some shares of Asiatic Oxygen are available for Sale / Purchase with Dealers of Rare Indian Shares. 


 General Warning : Investment in Shares Can be Injurious to Your WEALTH

Disclosure : The Blog writer in his / family names has holdings in this Company. So please make suitable " provisions " for any likely Over Optimism

NB :All information given in good faith. Please recheck every point before taking an investment decision.No responsibility with this blog / blog




September 15, 2017

Asiatic Oxygen- Kolkata-A Hidden Gem

Financial Year 2016-17

Gross Profit : Rs.9 cr 27 lakh

  Net Profit      Rs .6 cr 82 lakh

EPS               Rs. 412 / 74 p ( Share Rs.10 paid up )

Dividend : NIL

55 th AGM on 23/09/17. 11 am Kolkata

figures in 000 s

As on 31/ 03/2017

Share Capital Rs. 1 cr 65 lakh

Reserves      Rs.224 cr 57 lakh

Book Value per Rs. 10 paid up share : Rs 1361

figures in 000 s


There are hidden assets as Asiatic Oxygen has huge investments in Equity Shares/ Mutual Funds . The Market value of these is much higher than Book Value.


Asiatic Oxygen has two subsidiaries

1 ) AOL Sugar And Inds P Ltd.

2 ) AIG Ventures FZE ( foreign company )


Asiatic Oxygen is Listed in Calcutta Stock Exchange ( CSE is Non Operational )


General Warning : Investment in Shares Can be Injurious to Your WEALTH

Disclosure : The Blog writer in his / family names has  holdings in this Company So please make suitable " provisions " for any likely Over Optimism

NB :All information given in good faith. Please recheck every point before taking any investment decision. No responsibility with this Blog or Blog Writer


please , also , read




June 17, 2017

Calcutta Stock Exchange-List of Companies


Is Calcutta Stock Exchange officially closed or not ?


SEBI Should Declare Calcutta Stock Exchange as CLOSED , to help Investors.
.Shares which are Exclusively Listed Companies ( ELC s ) in Closed Regional Stock Exchanges have to either Relist ( in BSE/NSE ) or Delist ( by making an Buy Back Offer to Non Public Shareholders )

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