August 29, 2023

Reliance Retail - Further Stake Sale / Likely IPO News

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July 20, 2023

Reliance Retail Buyback - ET views

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Blog Comments

 We do not agree with ET's contentions because

1 .There is absolutely no need to compulsorily cancel minority shares. 

2 Minority shareholders should be allowed to appoint their own Independent valuers.

This Buy back should be Cancelled.




July 08, 2023

Reliance Retail Shareholders Plan Gandhian Satyagraha in Front of Reliance Stores

 Reliance Retail shareholders are  working on all actions to protect the interests of minority shareholders . 

Shareholders intend to make a counter offer for acquiring majority shares 


 Blog Comments

Compulsory Buyback - Bad in Law - Are Anti Public Shareholders - Reed Relays Latest


Delisting may be OK .
 But forced cancellation of Minority shares is not done even in Capitalism
Capitalism means Demand and Supply.
If the Majority wants the Minority 's shares then , to Quote from Mario Puzo 's Godfather " " They should make an offer we cannot refuse "

. Let them approach us and buy at a mutually agreeable price but not at a Dictated Price.
Free will transactions are the essence of Capitalism
If the Company feels that the rate it is offering is " FAIR " then it should , also , be willing to offer to sell its entire majority  holding at that rate . The minority share holders ( and other Indian share holders ) should have a Right of Pre emption at that " FAIR " rate. For example if Cadbury India Limited feels that Rs.2000 is a " fair rate " then Indian shareholders in general should be given an opportunity to form a SPV ( Special Purpose Vehicle ) Company which ( with suitable debt equity Leveraged Buy out ) and buy  at the same rate  the majority shares from the Promoters. A period of 6 months should be kept for giving this opportunity to Non Promoter Indian shareholders  
OLD POST of 2011 regarding Cadbury - Post For INFORMATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY 

January 24, 2011

Cadbury - " Quit India "

Indian investors are World 's Best .
( China is more of hype  China is hidden behind a " bamboo curtain " whereas India is transparent . China does not hold census and thus all economic stats like Per Capita Income etc. are glorified speculations )

It is a matter of great pride for us Indians that East India Company , the joint stock company which once  ruled India and other parts of Asia and Africa , is now owned by an Indian .

If East India Company can be owned by Indians so can be Cadbury India Limited.

Indians can buy out Kraft Foods 's shares at the " FAIR " value being worked out by Cadbury itself.

If the Company feels that the rate it is offering is " FAIR " then it should , also , be willing to offer to sell its entire majority  holding at that rate . The minority share holders ( and other Indian share holders ) should have a Right of Pre emption at that " FAIR " rate. For example if Cadbury India Limited feels that Rs.2000 is a " fair rate " then Indian shareholders in general should be given an opportunity to form a SPV ( Special Purpose Vehicle ) Company which ( with suitable debt equity Leveraged Buy out ) and buy  at the same rate  the majority shares from the Promoters. A period of 6 months should be kept for giving this opportunity to Non Promoter Indian shareholders

However , we  sincerely wish that Cadbury India Limited offers its remaining loyal share holders " Kuchh Meetha " and in New Year 's " Shubh Arambh " withdraws this move



There are around 8,159 remaining non promoter shareholders who together own 2.42% stake in Cadbury India.


July 12, 2023

Reliance Retail shares Compulsory Cancellation , Deja Vu --Farm Enterprises 's Case

Earlier , Unlisted Equity shares of Reliance Enterprises were converted  into Unlisted Optionally Convertible Preference shares of Farm Enterprises ltd. 
Most of the shareholders could not exercise their Right to convert their Preference shares of Farm Enterprises into its Equity shares.
The big question is ; Who was allotted the lapsed Equity Rights and at what rate ?   
For more , please click ;-
Now , the case of compulsory cancellation of  Unlisted shares of Reliance Retail at a rate determined by Promoters .
 For more , please click ;-
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old post

February 14, 2018

Games Promoters Play ( on Minority Public Shareholders ).

Promoters use clever moves to forcibly eject Public shareholders when ever they feel like i.e. when the Company has excellent future prospects or when it suits the Promoters. 

1 ) Selective cancellation of Non Promoters shares.

2 ) Conversion of Equity shares in to Redeemable Preference Shares.

3 ) Consolidation of face value of one share to a Higher Denomination .

In all cases , valuers are appointed and Paid by the Company. Thus they are Promoters' Agents.


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